220 Angus Bulls
Drillham, QLD
Thursday 3rd August 2023
Contact us to register for a catalogue
View full pdf catalogue here
View on Angus Australia here
View on Auctionsplus here
Final weights sheet here
Semen tests here
All bulls are semen tested (see explanation below) Vaccinated for 3 day sickness, tick fever, vibriosis and pestivirus.
Semen Testing Analysis explanation
Hazeldean - 02 6453 5555
Jim Litchfield - 0417 676 561
Bea Litchfield - 0427 933 103
Ed Bradley - 0412 298 546
Brad Passfield - 0459 160 791
Nutrien Roma
Andrew Holt - 0427 088 996
Colby Ede - 0417 265 980
Hazeldean Angus are bred for commercial operations that enjoy easy calving, high growth, quiet cattle that achieve excellent carcase results. Bred in the tough Monaro climate, our herd is constantly challenged, ensuring the quality of our females remains strong.
Our goal
For decades, the aim of our program has been to produce cattle to improve your profits. Our program pivots on providing our customers with genetics that excel in the traits of economic importance in efficient beef production. For us, the economic drivers are fertility, growth, carcase, maternal and efficiency traits. And these traits should come in a functional, sound and docile package.
We use a combination of genomically enhanced EBVs, visual appraisal and individual performance to guide us in our selection decisions.
In addition to our breeding goals we also understand that our success as a genetic source comes down to client satisfaction. Our aim is to develop long standing relationships with commercial cattle producers who we provide with bulls with real genetic value.
What information we provide and why:
Our catalogues have always been produced with the commercial cattleman in mind to provide the most relevant information for you to make the most informed decision for your program.
We have colour coded the top performers in each trait to help everyone better understand where the bulls rank in the population.
Clear structural scores are reported in the catalogue as assessed by Liam Cardile, an independent assessor. We encourage you to assess the bulls yourself on the day and use the scores as a guide in making selections.
We pride ourselves on the longevity and hardiness of our cattle – those that have visited our breeding base at Cooma know the conditions our females live under. Our female herd is very strong with in-built fertility and ability to raise strong, growthy calves with great carcase each year; important profit drivers for all commercial beef operations.
We look forward to catching up with you on sale day. If you are thinking of purchasing Hazeldean genetics this year please get in touch with us, we would love to hear about you and your program. We would appreciate the opportunity to help you in any way that we can with your program.
Hazeldean holds four auctions a year – at Hazeldean, Cooma NSW in May and September; Drillham QLD and Tamworth NSW in August.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going...
Jim Litchfield - talks about drought and one of the most important traits in beef cattle
Although droughts by their very nature give rise to negativity there are some positives to pick out of adverse seasons and the issue of doing ability is one of them. It is worth re stating the value of this important characteristic probably best described as ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’.
Good years tend to disguise those animals that are ‘frail’ (as the Americans put it) and it is only in lean years do we see them appear in our herds and the importance of selecting animals that can cope with tough years becomes paramount. When seasonal conditions start to deteriorate all good stockman keep an eye out for a ‘tail’ appearing in each mob. If the season gets worse the ‘tail’ becomes more and more pronounced with the original ‘tail’ becoming even poorer and more and more animals starting to show, in varying degrees, poor body condition. Obviously at the other end of the spectrum are the ones that hold their condition despite the reduction in feed quality and quantity. How do they do that? What genetics do they possess that enables them to hold body condition while those around them start shedding kilograms dramatically? Read More…
There were 24 progeny from F1023 and 29 progeny from F493 (Click on ID to view EBV's & pedigree)
Summary of results of cohort 3
View Hazeldean's semen interests
Hazeldean Sales information
Hazeldean Guarantee and Replacements, Refunds, Credits
Although we do our very best to ensure every bull we catalogue sees out many years of good service, occasionally premature breakdowns occur. In this event we guarantee unconditionally all bulls for 12 months from purchase and further if poor reproduction results from a genetic defect we were unaware of pre-sale. Our policy is to look after the people who look after us so if there is a problem please let us know.
To resolve the issue of a bull breakdown we will work with you to achieve the best outcome for your breeding enterprise. In the instance of a bull breaking down during the breeding season we will endeavour to find a replacement and get him to you ASAP. If you are able to cover the breakdown with a spare, then we will either offer a replacement at a later date or issue a credit equivalent to the purchase price of the original bull that you can use at a future sale.
Semen Interests
Hazeldean retains 100% semen interest and marketing rights on all bulls sold, including if they are onsold. However this does not stop the purchaser from collecting and using semen in their own herd. The bulls are sold with full physical ownership to the buyer. If Hazeldean decides to collect and market semen from any bull sold, we will arrange and pay for transport and collection costs, and organise a suitable time to collect the bull.
Hazeldean unconditionally guarantees all bulls for 12 months post sale. If the client prefers, additional insurance to cover death or loss of use after 28 days can be arranged on their behalf.
Health Check
All sale bulls are thoroughly assessed by a vet prior to sale. Animals displaying faults likely to interfere with a normal & productive life are culled
The Hazeldean herd has been assessed & tested under the National Johnes Disease Market Assurance Program & holds an MN3 (monitored negative 3) status, the highest level.
Bulls are vaccinated for Vibriosis, Pestivirus, and receive a 7 in 1 vaccination
Queensland sale bulls are vaccinated for 3 day sickness and tick fever
We recommend that you organise a pre-mating bull examination at least 6 weeks prior to joining to ensure that he is in the best of health & capable of producing pregnancies. This should include a serving ability test where the bull is observed serving a cow or heifer.
Hazeldean sire's exceptional performance in Angus Australia Sire Benchmarking Programme
The progeny of Hazeldean sires NHZF493 and NHZF1023 part of cohort 3 of the AA sire benchmarking programme have performed exceptionally well, in all traits including calving ease, growth, and particularly carcase– Out of progeny from 40 sires F1023 progeny ranked 1st for carcase IMF and 2nd for MSA index and F493 progeny were ranked 3rd, 2nd and 4th for 200, 400 & 600 day weight, also performing at the top for carcase traits.