Hazeldean Females
“Hazeldean females are renowned for high fertility and good mothering to give consistent and superior reproductive performance. Selection pressure on females to breed a live calf every year from 2 years of age is strict and any female who fails to do so for any reason is “out”.”
Hazeldean females produce under conditions many cattlemen would consider much tougher than those experienced by many commercial herds.
This is a deliberate policy of management and aids in the identification of those cows most likely to make a positive contribution to progressively more profitable genetics for the Australian beef industry.
The elite Hazeldean female results from the combination of a selection regime skillfully implemented by the one family for over 80 years and the ability to exert intense selection pressure due to large numbers of replacement breeders put forward for analysis each year. Hazeldean females have a reputation of extremely high performance, exceptional fertility, calving ease and quiet temperament.
Large numbers of commercial females are available for sale at Hazeldean's Autumn Bull & Female Sale in early May each year where record prices for Australian Angus commercial females are invariably made.
View Hazeldean Genetic Trends compared to the Angus breed over the past 20 years.
Hazeldean females are subjected to a most rigorous selection process. Before gaining entry into the main herd every female must:
wean a calf every year without supplementary feeding unless in severe drought;
calve unassisted at two years of age and repeat this performance every year;
provide a good milk supply to her calf;
pass on a strong genetic package to ensure the rapid growth of her calf before and after weaning.
Females are of paramount importance at Hazeldean. Retention of only the top performing females over the years has yielded a herd that has few, if any, equals.