Hazeldean Bulls
“As a Hazeldean client, you are joining a group of beef producers that value superior genetics, that will increase your profits and give you access to premium markets. Buyer demand for Hazeldean blood cattle is strong, with steers and weaners selling to premiums, and feedlots seeking Hazeldean bred cattle.”
With the background of Australia's oldest performance tested Angus herd behind them and an unstinting policy of calving ease, performance and structure, each Hazeldean sale bull has a package of genes and background designed to help you take the next step up the ladder to more successful beef production.
Hazeldean sale bulls are selected each year from over 700 promising youngsters. They are rigorously screened and tested in the process of selecting the 400+ bulls listed for sale each year.
Breeding & Management
The Hazeldean properties are extensive grazing properties suited to commercial beef production. The Hazeldean herd is run under strict commercial conditions with stud cows sharing their paddocks with sheep and only receiving supplementary feeding in drought. Hazeldean sources the most proven and high performing Angus sires and multiplies these genetics throughout the herd using their comprehensive (AI) and (ET) programmes. Elite Hazeldean cows are flushed and used as donors in the ET programme.
The provision of bulls by a seedstock breeder to a commercial breeder must do five things. They are, in order of importance, as follows:
Serve cows effectively and efficiently so that the number of pregnancies in your herd is as high as it can be over a 6 week joining.
Produce daughters that are fertile at an early age, able to calve unassisted at 2 years of age and breed back every year thereafter.
Sire calves that grow quickly to reach maximum liveweight at the turnoff time targeted by the breeder.
Have sufficient constitution and athleticism to survive and breed effectively for a number of years.
Sire calves with valuable carcases that maximise returns to the breeder and the processor for each kilogram of beef produced.
It is vital that these targets are met in this order for beef producers to make money out of beef cattle and this is the focus of the Hazeldean program.
Hazeldean bulls are the best option for your long-term profitability because they are better for:
price per head and production per hectare
feedlots and farmers
good years and poor years
“You can purchase Hazeldean Angus bulls with the confidence they have been grown out and acclimatised to suit your environment. And they have been bred by a family company with knowledge and know-how in profitable beef genetics gained from generations of experience.”