200 Merino & Poll Merino Rams
Hazeldean, Cooma NSW
Enquiries: 02 6453 5555
Bea Litchfield 0427 933 103
Ed Bradley 0412 298 546
Jim Litchfield 0417 676 561
View catalogue here
View Auctionsplus catalogue here
View SheepGenetics catalogue here
For our Victorian clients…
We hope the following will assist you if you are wondering if you will be able to enter NSW to attend the ram sale at Rosevale next month.
From our discussions with Service NSW and exploring the website we are confident you will be able to attend (unless you have been in a COVID-19 area of concern within 14 days of applying for your permit).
A couple of points to note:
1. Non border resident permits can take up to 7 days to be approved
2. Border permits are valid for 14 days from issue.
To attend the sale on the 29th it would be best to apply for a permit no earlier than the 22nd of October.
The border region is shaded in the map below
If you are a Victorian resident living within the “Border Region” you are eligible to obtain a border permit following the steps below.
Go to the Service NSW website
Click “Apply Online”
Enter your details then click “Next”
On the Eligibility page answer “Yes” that you’re allowed to travel under Victoria’s current public health restrictions.
Permit Category - pull down menu to select “Border Resident”
Select your situation last 14 days – pull down menu and select “None of the above”
Select “No’ to being in a COVID area within past 14 days.
Tick your reason for needing permit as being “To obtain necessary goods or services”
If you live outside of the Border Region.
Follow above steps 1-3.
4. Permit Category – pull down menu and select “Critical services – agriculture worker”
5. Select your situation last 14 days – pull down menu and select “None of the above”
6. Select “Yes” to ”Are you providing the critical service within 100km …?”
7. Select “No’ to being in a COVID area within past 14 days.
8. Enter “1410 Maffra Rd, The Brothers, NSW, 2630” for location
9. Enter your vehicle registration
Hazeldean Sale Rams cut more wool that is of higher value, on sheep with lower maintenance requirements, giving more profit per hectare.
Teams 18 & 300 also use Hazeldean Rams
Teams 18 & 30 also use Hazeldean Rams
Hazeldean Genetic Trends over the last 10 years. Hazeldean has far heavier fleeces than the average, that are also finer than the average and with indexes far above the average of the breed. Click to view data.
Rams will be available for private selection following the sale or any other time by appointment.
Selecting the right ram.....read more
click here to find out how to use ASBV's & Indexes
click here to find out more about Merino Select Indexes
Pdf file Pocket Guide - an easy to understand guide to using ASBV's
Watch interviews with clients & industry experts about why they use Hazeldean genetics
Hazeldean clients excel in Peter Westblade Memorial Merino Challenge...read more
The Hazeldean Breeding Policy
The special treatment of small groups through shedding and provision of artificial rations is at odds to the philosophy of the stud. To give accurate and meaningful measurement information, it is necessary to evaluate animals by running them in large contemporary groups under conditions equivalent to those experienced in the world of commercial wool growing.
Hazeldean therefore runs its stud operations along the lines of a commercial wool growing and breeding enterprise.
Hazeldean bases its selection decisions and grading for sale on a measurement system that has been in place for many years. Measurement, when applied with common sense, significantly improves the accuracy of selecting for heritable traits of economic importance such as fleece weight and fibre diameter.
Hazeldean Flock Health Status
The Hazeldean flock is assessed under the National Johne's Disease Market Assurance Program and holds a status of Monitored Negative 3 Vaccinated ( MN3-V).
The Hazeldean flock is also accredited as Brucellosis free.
Please note
Although Hazeldean employs best practice procedures in livestock husbandry and does it's best to ensure every animal catalogued for sale is free from disease, internal parasites and external parasites it does not guarantee that any sale animal is free of disease, internal parasites or external parasites.
Semen Interests
Hazeldean retains 100% semen interest and marketing rights on all rams sold including if the ram is onsold, however this does not stop the purchaser from collecting and using semen in their own flock. The rams are sold with full physical ownership to the buyer. If Hazeldean decides to collect and market semen from any ram sold, we will arrange and pay for transport and collection costs, and organise a suitable time to collect the ram.